PNAS Study: Human variation in gingival inflammation

A recent publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America (, a group based in the United States and Saudi Arabia found that individuals who were exposed to experimental gingivitis responded in three distinct patterns. Groups were broken down into: high, low, and slow responding individuals. All individuals were instructed to stop brushing select teeth at the same time and were evaluated over the course of 35 days.

High (28.6% of study group): individuals presented with the greatest amount of plaque accumulation and highest clinical inflammation

Low (28.6% of study group): individuals presented with the least amount of plaque accumulation and an overall reduced inflammatory response compared to the other groups

Slow (42.9% of study group): individuals presented with delayed increase in plaque accumulation and reduced bacterial cell counts below the gum line

For those of you who think “I brush and floss all the time and there is still plaque and debris on my teeth” you may be a high inflammatory response individuals.

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